
What others have said:

“WordFood is an effective tool for maximizing the performance of any team.” Frank Sanders Director of Sourcing, Intel Corporation

“The information provided was fabulous. Thank you.”

“Julia’s program is easy and fundamental to use and relevant in our daily lives.”

“Interesting, passionate, focused and relevant.”

“Julia’s program is good in providing the framework and words that useful for day to day interaction with everyone.”

“Julia offers relatable skills to enbable productive leadership and influencing opportunities for high performance.”

“Julia is an expert on relationship development.” Greg Taylor, Managing Director, G.F. Ross and Company

“Because of the extent of her expertise, her passion and her ability to impact performance, we hope to bring Ms. Hubbel back for future programs.” Myron Brown, Manager, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing

“Your knowledge, lecture, format, style and charisma translated so well throughout the audience , as you probably observed by their focused attention and their interactive conversation….Please know that you made an outstanding contribution to our  AAPP mission ad one that will sustain for many years in the future. “ John McFadden Director, African American Professors Program, University of South Carolina

“It is with great pleasure that I am able to recommend The Hubbel Group to anyone in need of high quality, dynamic, cost efficient training and development work!” Richard Moore, Manager, Supplier Diversity, Southwest Airlines”

“This was the best event I have attended in 9 years. I will keep in touch.”

“I loved everything about it. I learned great tools that I can take with me and be successful.”

“She is a true professional, she takes her work very seriously, and she takes pleasure in doing an extraordinary job.” Robert Oxley Executive Director, International Solid Surface Fabricators Association

“Her programs were very well received and she’s going to be doing additional programs here at Cisco as a result.” Johnson Wu, Global Supply Manager, Cisco Systems