WordFood is based on the Four WordFood Groups. They are Heartbreads, Energy Enhancers, Character Fiber and Balance Builders. Each WordFood Group provides essential “nutrients” that others need from us to thrive in relationships. HeartBreads 6-11 Servings Heartbreads swell the heart and appeal to the emotions. Heartbreads touch the human soul and inspire the heart. This group forms the backbone, the building blocks of the WordFood Diet. These are the words that we must hear every day in order to thrive. These include words of praise, positive reinforcement, caring, acts of active listening, graciousness, empathy, understanding, specific feedback tied to positive behaviors, catching people in the act of doing something well, gratitude, eye contact, warmth, openness, accessibility, trust, collaboration, cooperation, and open give and take.
Energy Enhancers – 3-5 Servings daily Energy Enhancers swell the head, and apply to a specific action, skill or behavior. This WordFood group includes compliments, acknowledgement and recognition. Regular servings of this WordFood group feed the listener huge confidence builders about their abilities and skills about a job well done. It can also provide helpful guidance on a project or assignment. Energy Enhancers are all about support, providing ways to add value to someone through words of encouragement, words that build self-assurance. People who get words from this WordFood group are thoroughly energized and pumped up. They walk away ready to do their best, whether it’s an adult taking on a big project at work or a child tackling trigonometry homework.
Character Fiber – 2-3 Servings Character Fiber builds the backbone and creates the stamina. Character Fiber words are all about developing power and depth, providing course correction, setting boundaries and guidelines. This WordFood group is all about creating better “bodies” through clarity and honesty, through giving guidance about life direction. This word grouping is provided during coaching and counseling, through mentoring and management, where a strong and caring hand is necessary to help provide perspective and judgment in challenging situations. When life offers opportunities through challenges, it’s time to seek guidance, and Character Fiber is the source. There is an internal “voice” that speaks to us. Sources for this voice are found in spiritual authorities, universities, senior management and friends. Servings of Character Fiber are critical to personal, spiritual and professional development, and while it’s sometimes taxing, it’s always ultimately rewarding to live up to an opportunity for growth. This WordFood group also sets safe boundaries for how we wish to be treated by others.
Balance Builders – Use sparingly Top preformer to tough love. Balance Builders keep the pendulum from swinging too far in either direction. They keep us on course. These Words are appropriate when someone is absolutely misbehaving. Words in this group capture people about to go off the deep end, or who are reaching life’s heights. Life is about balance, and this WordFood group addresses behaviors that are either in the high achievement category, which requires top awards and acknowledgement, or destructive behaviors that threaten to undermine us. Words of critique are sometimes important to show that there are areas needing improvement and that someone is not living up to expectations, standards or agreements, that someone is letting others down, are misbehaving or hurting others, that we ourselves are being hurt or lied to. WordFood in this group challenges others on toxic behavior, ill treatment, the overstepping of boundaries, lack of respect and other misbehaviors, but done so in a spirit of respect and setting an example. On the other end of the spectrum, Balance Builders pay the maximum regard to incredible performance with high praise and compliments, sweet words and accolades that come only on rare occasions when called for. However, they keep the person’s head from getting too big.