
WordFood - how we feed or starve our realtionships

- Julia Hubbel

Julia’s ability to get this group of type-A executives to engage in true networking was incredible. She is truly skilled at motivating the group to engage and interact with each other, and her openness and honesty really come through.

— Shelley Stewart, Jr.,
Senior Vice President of Operational Excellence and Chief Procurement Officer, Tyco

February 13, 2013

A Gift of WordFood

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 6:27 pm

He was tall and lanky, and wore black sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He covered his head with a ball cap. What caught my eye about him was his sudden swing to the top of the pull up bar, which required considerable strength and agility. It wasn’t something you usually saw at Bally’s. I stopped what I was doing and watched. He repeated the fluid, challenging movement four more times. Impressive. He let himself down gently, and took a break on one of the chest press benches.

Not long afterwards I was doing some shoulder presses when I again caught him out of the corner of my eye. This time he was doing pullups but at the top he was pulling his entire body up and over to the side. Again, this took far more strength and agility than a simple pullup, and it was a beautiful thing to watch. I put my weights down and enjoyed watching this quiet young man work. Over and over, he maneuvered his body into aerial positions that demanded great physical discipline and power.

When he finished, I put my dumbbells away and approached him. He had the wide open, friendly face of someone in his late teens or early twenties, and he pulled out his ear buds as I approached. I told him that he was a pure joy to watch, that his athleticism and his grace were fantastic. I added that nobody at the gym did the things that he did, and for me it was a delight to watch him in motion. His face filled with joy. Then he gave me his gift. He pulled up the fabric on his left leg and there were huge,  horrible scars. It looked as though someone had sewn his entire foot back on. Clearly this young man was coming back from a horrendous accident.

He looked at me, face full of appreciation, and said “You don’t know how much that means to me.” And I said that it meant a great deal to me, to see what he was doing with himself, and how brave he was. Whatever this young man has been through, he has met it, faced it, and overcome it, and is showing the rest of us at the gym how to express physicality with power, grace and courage.

This wonderful young man reminded me that we never know what others are going through, what they have endured, and how important it is to acknowledge them whether we know their journey or not. The key thing is to feed others the compliments they deserve. Every so often you will receive a gift in return that will more than return the favor, it will shift your life.

There is no guarantee that others will accept your words. But most often people are hungry for sincere WordFood, and it will strike fertile ground. Even if it doesn’t, your intent is what matters, and that is enough.

February 12, 2013

Truthful WordFood for Customers

Last year was an exciting time, as I was preparing to re-enter the world of scuba diving after a long hiatus away. In 2002 I had gone to Africa for an adventure dive and during an interview with a professional diver, had bought a Poseidon regulator from him at a deep discount. This regulator would normally retail at around $700 and they normally last about 25 years or more. Poseidon is one of the world’s best manufacturers with an excellent reputation. Mine had been in the basement for 10 years, so I took it to the dive shop closest to me.

They tested it and it had a free flowing air problem. The manager told me that I’d have to replace it, that there were no Poseidon dealers in this country and that no one repaired them. I was looking at a major investment, and I didn’t have the cash to do it just then. I continued with my pool skills with their instructor and planned to rent the gear in country.

However, I mentioned this to the instructor. He said, without directly contradicting the manager, that I might check into it more thoroughly. I went to Poseidon.com and immediately saw that Denver Divers not only was a Poseidon dealer but they also handled repairs, just a few miles away. I called them and talked to their repair guy. Very quickly we discerned that my problem was a simple fix, well under $200, and I took my reg to them that same day.

The other thing about the original dive shop manager was that he constantly harangued me about money. Pool time with the instructor cost, and so did solo pool time. I paid in advance or right on time. As a small business owner myself, I’m sensitive to issues of cash flow. This habit of coming after me for $25 got incredibly annoying- and combined with the dishonesty about the Poseidon dealership and repair availability made the shop’s accessibility to my house far less important than his money grubbing.

What became perfectly clear after my dealings with Denver Divers was that this was a family owned shop that cared about the relationship first. That speaks to safety and the comfort of knowing you’re going to be cared about. These dive shop owners know that many of us can buy gear on line for less. They have to find other ways to engage us, earn our trust, and in the process, we will want to reward them by buying from them and going on trips with them. The other dive shop manager, by lying outright about the regulator, in a world where a couple of clicks online will instantly prove him wrong, lost a customer and also, I tell others about it, too. These owners all know each other, so ignorance is no excuse. It’s a small community.

I’m old school in that I will first take someone’s word for granted. I’m glad I asked my instructor and did the research. A few extra miles’ drive is a small price to pay to work with friends and go on trips where your wallet isn’t the main point of interest.

In a tough economy, it is ever more important to put people first. To feed people WordFood that makes them feel valued and important. It’s the customer relationship that brings us back. I was reminded of Miracle on 34th Street, where Santa told customers where to find the best deal, and the store earned many repeat customers. Had the original manager helped me find a repair shop, he’d have earned my trust, and my loyalty. Instead, the exchange was toxic, and irretrievable.

Customers have access to too much information for a brick and mortar shop not to treat them with respect. Loyalty is earned, and we will give it back, where a business owner doesn’t grasp. When we go out of our way to serve delicious WordFood, customers will always come back for more.

February 4, 2013

WordFood in Any Language

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 4:12 pm

Sometimes despite our best efforts, we get misunderstood. Suffice it to say that when we travel, this is especially true. I just got back from a month in Costa Rica, where English is widely spoken. That is, until I stepped into a wonderful little textiles shop in La Fortuna, a town that has grown up around the Arenal volcano in the north central part of the country.

Now this town is very small, and it’s mostly a lineup of tourist touts and overpriced restaurants. There are tacky souvenir shops and the occasional Tico place to eat where you can get authentic Costa Rican food. But for the most part it is a purely tourist town, with tourist prices, and you don’t expect to find much else. Then I stumbled into a bit of paradise.

A Guatamalan woman had a shop on the main street that was chock full of the most amazing textiles you could imagine. All the shelves from floor to ceiling were lined with hand embroidered runners, blankets, wall hangings and placemats of the most uproarious colors and designs. I was transported to Ecuador where I had been the previous January, and was blown away by the variations of theme, color and expression. Each was a unique work, a treasure. No matter what I pulled out, I wanted it. And her prices were well below what I had paid in Ecuador, by half again. I was deeply impressed.

This determined, diminuitive woman in indigenous dress walked over to me and I did my best, in halting Spanish, to express to her that I had seen something similar in Ecuador. I was complimentary about her pricing and her work. However, whatever I said wasn’t what she heard. She drew herself up to her full 5′ height and said with great emphasis that her work was authentic, indigenous, and took the pieces out my hand and put them back on the shelf. Then she turned her back to me and sat down.

Any attempt to speak with her after that was met with “no intiendo” – I don’t understand you- and it didn’t matter that I desperately wanted to buy some things from this one of a kind shop. Defeated, I left.

When I returned to my hostel and told my proprietor about what had happened, he laughed. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who received the cold shoulder. Proud and “hard” according to him, this hard scrabble woman made all her lovely things on site, and was deservedly pleased with her results. She would brook no comparisons to anything else anywhere else in the world. And if she decided she didn’t like you, you were out the door. Sale or no sale.

I was sad, of course, for my intent had been to create a connection, pay a compliment and make a purchase. However with a delicate ego involved, the challenges of language are even more difficult. Sometimes our best attempts at what I call Energy Enhancers, or compliments, go awry. I never found a similar store in the rest of the country, and I looked. My travels aren’t over. But this lesson will stick. What I had to look at was whether I was trying to impress her with my knowledge (perhaps) or really trying to pay her a compliment (I was). It was good to look at true intent. I offended her nonetheless, and came home without my souvenir, but with perhaps a larger prize, which was greater humility.  And that is always worth having.

December 25, 2012

WordFood for Christmas Dinner

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 6:24 pm

It’s here, it’s Christmas, and in a few hours I’m going to be joining my adopted family for the seventh time for dinner on this most wonderful of holidays. My friend Jill has a large extended family and a number of years ago, they opened up their hearts to invite me to join them for the three Christmas events they enjoy each year. Since then, this 10-day excursion has become one of the most beloved of my annual events. My parents passed many years ago, and my brother died this past year, so the Smith family has become where my heart is for the holidays.

The Smiths open presents on Christmas Eve, so last night we all gathered around the fireplace while the youngest boys struggled to help pile the gifts at the appropriate feet. We start with the youngest first and end with Jill’s mother. This takes several hours, as we all love to ooooh and aaaaaah over what the children get, and take our time exclaiming over our goodies.

When it was my turn, I had a card from Jill’s 93-year-old mother, Deen, which I opened first. Deen can never figure out what to give me, but this time she nailed it. It wasn’t the package of list pads. It was what she wrote in her card. In her spidery hand, she expressed her pleasure at having me join the family every Christmas, and how she saw me as her second “daughter.” Those words were WordFood of the first order, more nutritious that the luscious dinner Jill always serves, more important to me than what we will eat tonight. They cemented my place in this beloved group of people. Nothing could have touched me more deeply. And no gift could have meant more.

As we all sit down to Christmas dinner, it will be food for our bodies and also for our souls, that we share stories and laughter with those we love. And we send prayers for those who have left us this year. For those who are with us, it’s time we give them the gift of words that transform, as Deen gave me. No physical gift can uplift as much as kind words, that enfold and include, and remind us that we are loved.  That is what the spirit of Christmas is truly all about.

December 18, 2012

WordFood of Truth

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Julia Hubbel @ 10:27 am

Last week at a lunch with a long term dear friend and mentor, something truly significant happened between us that was long overdue. We’ve known each other for more than thirty years, and she is in her nineties now. This is a woman I hold in the highest regard, someone I try to emulate in many ways. She is a lifetime athlete, and her no nonsense approach to healthcare and her brain have ensured that she is active and engaged at a time when most people are sitting in a wheelchair and given up on life. In fact, this past year she got involved in a brand new nanotech company- quite a statement for someone in her ninth decade.

As we sat together, she made an offhanded comment that was quite cruel in its impact. In fact it hurt me so much that I broke into tears. The implication of her words made it clear that she had no idea of how much I invested in our relationship, how important she was to me, and the regard I had for her.

In many cases, we run for the bathroom, take care of business, get things under control and finish lunch. Don’t talk about it because it’s just too hard. In this case the remark hurt so much that I found myself crying hard – but I stayed at the table. My friend didn’t quite know what to make of it. What happened, once I was able, was that I told her. And there ensued the kind of honest, heartfelt exchange that simply doesn’t happen often enough between people.

This woman and I don’t see each other often, and while I’ve tried hard to communicate my feelings and respect, it apparently landed on deaf ears. Until her unkind remark, she simply didn’t understand her importance in my life. The impact her words and advice had on me. While it clearly made her uncomfortable to hear what I had to say, it opened a door between us when I explained that I recognized that the time we had was short and that was the reason I was scheduling a monthly lunch to make sure we had exchanges. I took nothing for granted any more. She sees things very differently now, and it means a great deal to her.

Sometimes it takes a moment of real emotional discomfort to create the kind deep connection that we truly want. It’s never too late. Had I left the table, “gotten myself under control” and not said what I truly felt, this woman and I would not have moved to where we are now.

True emotions are frightening, terrifying, hair raising. But like any rollercoaster, ultimately they take us somewhere, often to a greater understanding. When we feed each other WordFood of truth, how we truly feel, without accusation or anger, we reach another shoreline. It may be a new land, but it is often the land we’ve always wanted to live in with this person. Certainly for me with this wonderful woman it was worth the deep discomfort of sitting with my tears and speaking the truth to her. Having her understand my deep and abiding love for her was an extraordinary Christmas gift for us both.

December 11, 2012

Choosing our Gifts this Year

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 3:33 pm

Every year some of us go home to our families for the holidays. For some, this is the best time of year, and for some it’s the toughest. Holidays are, if one is to believe the hype and the cards and all the tradition, the time we all get together and celebrate each other, our closeness, and why families are important.

For some folks, that just isn’t the case. I have a friend for whom family is heartbreak, and he is hardly alone. Trips home for him are an agony. They inevitably involve big arguments, too much alcohol, old angers and bitterness that get brought out and aired, and the same old hurts that surface. Old buttons get pushed. Parents and kin know where those buttons are because they installed them. It happens every year. For people like this friend, holidays are not holidays. They are an exercise in hurt feelings, in anger, in bad memories.

If this perhaps is your family, maybe it’s time to bring home something different. It’s important to remember that we bring our experiences to ourselves, and that they are there to teach us something about ourselves. Life doesn’t happen to us, it is us. Our family is a mirror, a microcosm of what is going on inside us. It may be very hard to realize that the characteristics that made Dad so annoying exist in us, too. That make our sister Ann such a loser with men also exist in us. We are our family, our family is us. To be able to embrace all these characteristics is to see our own humanity in their humanity, and to forgive them is to forgive ourselves. This takes us to a wholly different level. The notion “what we resist, persists” is a great truth when it comes to families.

The ability not just to tolerate our families’ idiosyncrasies but to embrace and love them is one of the great gifts of the holidays. They mirror our best and worst selves. We cannot run away from who we are. Our families are us. Their DNA is our DNA. They annoy us because they reflect us. This is tough stuff. In fact, it is the toughest. But to be able to come home and see not only your worst but also your best in your family is what the holidays are all about.

No matter where you spend the holidays, your family is with you. Love them or hate them, this is a statement of how much we love or hate ourselves. A powerful gift this holiday season is to love our families because they show us who we are, whether or not we are at ease with the message. It is a statement of courage to accept our families, healthy or not, damaged or not, and wish them well. They have made us who we are today. Wherever you spend the holidays, see if you can accept this gift.

November 30, 2012

WordFood of Respect

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 5:59 pm

The old man was struggling up the breezeway ahead of me, his boarding pass in his left hand, his bag in his right. Periodically he would reach out for balance and touch the walk, taking small, hestitant steps on his way to the regional jet that would take us from Milwaukee to Denver early this morning. His hair, a brilliant white against his dark blue baseball cap, belied his age. I walked slowly behind him.

As he started up the narrow plank to get on the plane he started to trip and I caught his arm, and the attendant inside took over for me. He greeted her enthusiastically and they spoke for a few minutes, and she got him settled into his seat.

After landing in Denver, I picked up my bags and was on my way out when I saw him again. This time, he was seated in a wheelchair, with an airport attendant at the ready. His family had picked up his bags and was busily directed traffic around him.

What bothered me was their language.

“Take him over here,” the daughter said, right over his head.

“No, he needs to go to the other exit,” said a man who appeared to be her husband. This conversation went on for several minutes over the man’s white head.

The attendant swiveled his head between the two, looking for leadership. The old man looked defeated and lonely.

“He” had a name. “He” wasn’t a piece of luggage or a bag of garbage to be moved around. And “he” could also hear himself being discussed as though he was deaf and dumb. He was being dismissed as a human being by all three people around him, and he knew it.

It was offensive to me that this apparent family member was being so casually discussed without the courtesy of using his name. However this is done in hospitals and rest homes and facilities everywhere. Caregivers do this without thinking. Family members talk over their so called loved ones as though they have no emotions. Clearly this man did, and he didn’t much like it.

Perhaps this man was a war veteran. Perhaps he was a beloved uncle or granddad. I have no idea. I don’t know the family dynamics. No one ever does. What I do know is that especially with our elders, and with anyone who is disabled or in a wheelchair, there is a real call for love and respect, and the acknowledgment of their humanity. To not be treated as a piece of beefsteak being carted from place to place.

Everyone has a name, a history, a place. When it is your turn in the wheelchair, your turn in bed with caretakers talking above you like a piece of stale fried chicken, remember. This especially is a time for love. We all simply want to be noticed and acknowledged.

November 24, 2012

Holiday WordFood

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 9:25 am

Thanksgiving is over and Christmas season is now in full swing. My Christmas decorations are piled in my laundry room ready to take upstairs today while the college football games play in the background. It’s always a fun day, changing out the last of the Turkey Day trimmings for the fancy Santas and lovely angels that will decorate my mantel and sit on the chairs and furniture all through the house.

One of the statistics that is disconcerting about the holiday season is that Americans tend to gain about ten to fifteen pounds over the holiday period, and many of us have a terrible time losing that weight, if we do at all. It’s certainly the time of year you and I look forward to with all the lovely food and Christmas cookies and certainly the best treats of the year. But all too often the best food of the year is mixed with the worst WordFood of the year when families get together and don’t treat each other with the kind of kindness and respect that they could.

I have a dear person in my life who now avoids his family at holiday time for that very reason and it pains him greatly. Arguments and disagreements cause so much strife at Christmas that he no longer visits. Family is important to him, and it hurts me to see this happen in his life. He is not alone. Many families experience this during this emotional time of year.

If this is a challenge for you and your family, I would offer this up. Consider putting aside the petty arguments and differences that tend to rise among you as family members. Remember instead what draws you together, what makes you family. Why you care about each other. Don’t rise to the bait when someone pushes a button that was installed years ago. This takes courage but you can do it. Respond instead with gentility and grace, and remember what these holidays are truly for. You will forever be glad you did. The next holiday that family member may not be present. We simply do not know what the year may bring.

The true food of the holidays is what we say to each other with courtesy, respect, regard and love. How we treat each other with kindness. These are the lasting memories. Not the gifts, not the food. It is the WordFood that leaves us warmed from the soul with love we bear each other.

November 11, 2012

WordFood of Tolerance

My best friend Lori sent me a piece by  Ben Stein this morning which addressed the need for God and religion in our society, our schools, and in our lives. His comments had been featured on CBS on Sunday morning and been sent around the Internet, and part of his comment was that because the email was about God, it was likely not to be forwarded as much as lewd jokes or cartoons. He has a point.

In my book WordFood I talk about how it’s easy to be consumed by popular culture, by tabloids, gossip, distractions. This is what I call Junk Food. Like potato chips and other snacks, it’s addictive, fun to consume, fattening, and extremely bad for you. Ultimately it takes up precious space in the mind where more positive, nutritious information could be building us: education, professional and personal development, motivational tapes that challenge you to a higher quality of thinking. And yes, religious study, whatever that may look like to you.

Every one of us is animated by something larger, some gift, that gives us life. And I believe powerfully that while we have life, we owe a good life to the power that gave us that life. Most of us were brought up within some kind of belief system. Some of us go find something that speaks to us more personally. Some create a system by which we establish a discipline, and this is the key word here, to live, worship, and respect others’ way of being in the world. But whatever that practice may be, it involves a discipline of mind, and a humbling of oneself to a greater power, and an effort to see that good that exists in all humankind.

To the extent that we are insistent upon filling our minds with Junk Food about celebrities who are less than stellar, about sports figures who take drugs, we miss out on the everyday heroes who people our neighborhood.  There is much to study about ourselves that is valuable. To fill our minds with how to be better citizens and life students and better friends.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a little Junk Food now and then. Even I know how Kim Kardashian is, if only because I stand too long in the 15 item line. It just seems to me that given the great variety and beauty of sacred texts in the world, and how they exhort us to treat each other with respect, perhaps this might be  balancing fare to the ugliness of “Survivor: The Phillipines.”

What we feed our minds informs our language. It informs how we treat each other every day. Road rage is the result of a daily diet of stress, a lack of graciousness and the need to be right no matter what. And people are dying because someone gets cut off a few inches in traffic.This isn’t us.

Whether we read a Bible, a Koran, a Torah or any other sacred text, it grounds is in what is truly important in life: respect for life, humility for our place in the vastness of all of Creation, and a hope that we can make a difference.

When it  comes to the intensely private and personal issue of what we all are guided by, this is an unknowable. But I can say this: that a change in  our WordFood Diet is a fine thing when we want to change the way we perceive, and are perceived, in the world.

November 6, 2012

Feed Others Your Attention

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — Julia Hubbel @ 8:00 am

You know how it is when you’re talking to someone on the phone and they just “go away?” You hear a stealthy typing in the background and their conversation changes from full engagement to “uh huhs,” and “hmmms” and other distracted grunts? Annoying, isn’t it? It’s bad enough when you’re in someone’s presence and they take a phone call in the middle of your conversation. Or they plunk their iPhone on the table when you sit down at lunch, effectively indicating that anything that comes in on that device is more important than what you’re going to talk about. People’s full attention is hard to get. Something else always seems to be more important than what they have here and now. That little green light on the phone demands an answer: who wants me???

There is no remedy for bad manners. They best you can do is politely ask for someone to be present with you and come back to the conversation when they wander. And we always know the precise moment they do wander. You have a right to be heard, and you have a right to ask for someone’s full attention. The challenge comes when it’s a client that’s being rude or a boss who’s abusing your time. In cases like this it takes your greatest courtesy. You need to ask as nicely as possible for them to respect the effort you’ve put into the presentation. You might point out that you need their full attention because you respect their expertise so much and you need their input. You understand that they are busy people but it would be helpful if they could briefly set aside their distractions since their full attention is so important to the success of your project. Appeal to their egos.

Keep an eye on how you show up with your own use of devices as well. How do you wield your technology? Are you interrupting conversations or letting calls go to voice mail? Unless you have a bona fide emergency there is nothing so important as the person you are with. That respect will pay off in the long run.

We are all hungry for courtesy, attention, and for someone to truly listen to us. Devices are here to bring us together, not get in the way of our ability to talk to each other.

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