Junk Food, a negative form of WordFood, has a lot of forms. Gossip, rumors, backtalk. But it’s also a negative thought that the imagination places in our heads. The imagination, such a powerful ally when we’re in a creative vein, can be devastating when we’re in a fearful state, and this is where Junk Food is harmful.
When we feed ourselves Junk Food in the form of negative images about our immediate future, our imagination, which just loves negativity, leaps on this and boils it up happily into a stew. The stew boils up worse and worse images to feed our feverish brain until it boils over. In the meantime we have spread our fear and story of imminent doom (all fueled by our vivid imagination) to anyone who will listen. This if course isn’t based on any facts. No matter that our fears have rarely been borne out in the past although we’ve suffered for them. That’s why it’s Junk Food.
A small cold becomes pneumonia. A lost contract becomes bankruptcy. You get the picture. And while sometimes a situation really can be dire or tragic, it serves to pull in the reins on the Junk Food, which will exaggerate a situation all out of proportion.
If Junk Food has crept into your mental diet, feed your hungry heart the WordFood of calm courage. Challenge the imagination’s Junk Food Diet and replace it with WordFood of love and respect. You’ll discover two truths: things aren’t as bad as they seem and you have the resources to deal with them.
- Julia Hubbel Julia’s ability to get this group of type-A executives to engage in true networking was incredible. She is truly skilled at motivating the group to engage and interact with each other, and her openness and honesty really come through.
April 19, 2012
Junk Food
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